Saturday, February 16, 2013

Sunny days

This blog post is purely dedicated to the fact that there has been sunshine in Perigueux the last few days. I've been able to go on runs and drink coffee outside (it's still chilly, but sunshine is everything) and generally not have to be bummed out by the weather. Tomorrow is supposed to be really nice as well, so I'm definitely going to take advantage and go for another run.

One of the (many) photos I took while on my run on Friday.

And a photo from today. There were a ton of people out of the voie verte (the path along the river) both yesterday and today. I saw bikes, roller skates, dogs, scooters, horses, you name it.

I know that we're just going to go back to clouds and rain, but I'm going to appreciate this sun while I can. It might not be nice again until April.

Little swamp/bridge that I pass when I'm out running.

The sunshine even made me feel charitable toward Perigueux itself: I stopped and took a photo of the cathedral on my way home. It's still impressive in its massiveness.

This week has been fairly uneventful. Normal classes, normal tutoring lessons. I've prepped a little for next week and I'll spend most of tomorrow getting the rest of my classes and tutoring lessons ready. On Valentine's Day Mark and I watched a movie "together" by muting our Skype session, pulling up a g-chat window, and then starting a movie on YouTube at the same time. It actually worked out pretty well!

I only have two more weeks of teaching and then it will be time for the March break, so that will be good! I'm looking forward to both parts of my trip! And then it will only be six more weeks of teaching! There won't be much I miss about the teaching...but I'll miss other aspects of being here, I'm sure!

That's all for this evening. I might go sunshine-crazy again tomorrow and take more pictures while I'm running, in which case I'll put them up on the blog again. Believe me, this is big news.

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