Friday, January 25, 2013

Boring week

I haven't posted in a few days because I haven't really had anything to post about! It was a pretty boring week...nothing too out of the ordinary. It's been cold and dreary and gray.

I got a new private tutoring lesson this week, so that's a good thing. I have several now, which is nice. It gives me something else to do with my time and I enjoy it a whole lot more than the job itself! (For instance, Tuesday evening after my lesson with the two little kids I stayed for dinner and played video games with them on the Wii in French - we all got a big kick out of that.) Plus the lessons help fund my travel plans, as I've said before!

Speaking of travel plans, my first big trip is only two weeks away! Milan! I've also started brainstorming for my trip at the end of the program...the south of Spain and Berlin are definitely on the short list, to see both Marina and Cathi. And I talked to Michelle about meeting me somewhere in May and she gave the suggestion of Sweden...which is actually absurdly cheap to get to from Berlin/London. So we'll see how all this pans out...

Karen will be here this weekend - she arrives this evening - so maybe I'll have more to report on Sunday evening!

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