Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sword fights, as promised

I don't have a whole lot to report today, mostly because I haven't done much. I slept in, went for a run/walk, wrote my itinerary for my upcoming trip, and watched some TV. We did head over to the Medieval fair though, as I said we would. It was in one of the squares in - what else? - the Medieval part of town. There were booths and crafts and some foods; not much, but a small little Sunday event.

A whole lot of Périgueux was there because, hey, there's nothing else to do on a Sunday.

The highlight, of course, was the sword fights. There were dozens of kids who had a ball watching the men fight and put on a show. They were as fun to watch as the sword fighters were. It was also cool because the actors were surrounded by Medieval buildings - pretty cool. I will miss being able to see ancient historical buildings every day! It's pretty cool to live in such an old town - even if there's not a lot to do.

The old Medieval building (one of many since this is the Medieval part of town) that they sword fighters were fighting in front of. Pretty authentic in that respect.

"Fighting." The kids loved it. One started flicking his hands/wrists like Spiderman and yelling for the guys to use that move.

This funny puppy was bored. 

More fighting. The one guy looked like a pirate and had a headband on. So maybe less authentic in respect to the costumes, but still funny to watch.

We wandered around the fair for a bit and then went and had ice cream at a cafe we go to sometimes. The weather was okay today - I went for a run/walk and it was nice and sunny, but it's not nearly as lovely and warm as it was last week. I think it's supposed to get nice this week before I leave. I hope so, because the second part of my trip is going to be COLD (Berlin - iffy, Stockholm - cold, Iceland - cold). It's going to feel nice to step off the airplane in DC...for lots of reasons!

I'm looking forward to seeing my friends and wandering around and eating in cafes this week. I'm definitely going to enjoy my last nine days in Périgueux!

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