Sunday, March 10, 2013

English Weather

Hello from England! It is cloudy and freezing here.

The first thing I did when I got to England yesterday evening was speak in French. When the border guard asked me where I was a teacher and I told him that I was in a high school in the south of France he immediately switched to French and spoke to me in French for the rest of the questions. I don't know if he was trying to faze me or if he just wanted to speak in French...

Look - a very British thing! Not French at all!

Anyway, I'm in London, staying with Michelle at her friends' apartment. Today we got up and wandered around London with a couple of her friends and like I said, it was bitterly cold. It might have felt like spring in Normandy but it feels like the dead of winter in London right now. It's also, unfortunately, cloudy and on-and-off misty. But we went out anyway and saw a lot of the major sites in London: the Globe Theater, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Parliament. We didn't go in anywhere today since the weather might be worse tomorrow, so tomorrow we'll probably go into some museums and see the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge.

I don't have a whole lot of history to tell today since we mostly just wandered around (and then came back here before it got dark because it's so freezing), but I do have some pictures!

The walk along the south bank of the Thames. We stopped and got coffee in a trendy cafe after we went into a modern art museum.

Shakespeare's Globe Theater! I'd like to maybe go back and go inside tomorrow or Tuesday.

Parliament and Big Ben. Very quintessentially London. 

Big Ben and Parliament + the London Eye.

In Trafalgar Square in front of Nelson's Column. Michelle bought a bright neon jacket (and then talked about how excited she was about her bright neon jacket nonstop) and therefore stuck out everywhere that we went.

Another very London picture!

Walking up to Buckingham Palace. It was actually a very unobtrusive building. It wasn't super elaborate or ornate. If you took away the gates and the big statue, it would probably just look like a government building.

Buckingham Palace continued.

St. James Park, right next to Buckingham Palace. There were all kinds of birds in the park - it was crazy! Unfortunately my camera was dying so I couldn't get a lot of pictures.

Big Ben. It's in pristine condition.

In front of Westminster Abbey, which was closed because it was a Sunday (except for religious services). We'll probably try to go back on Tuesday.

And one more shot of Parliament. We'll go back to this area tomorrow so I want to get more pictures. My camera was dying so I was taking rushed pictures and turning my camera off to conserve the batteries.

Not the most exciting or educational blog post today. Tomorrow since I'll be going into museums and monuments, hopefully I'll be able to tell more interesting stories!

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