Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pretty weather

We've been having gorgeous weather this week in Perigueux, which has been fabulous. It's been sunny and not too cold - and I am holding onto it as long as I can, because I am dreading the freezing winter that is apparently right around the corner. I've been running along the river a lot (going to do that again this afternoon), and I realized that I haven't put up any pictures of how pretty it is along the river:

Looking back toward Perigueux and the cathedral.

I took this picture a few weeks ago but most of the leaves are actually still on the trees, so it's still very pretty to run along the river and see all the colors in the hills and on the trees lining the path.

Also: it's a flat path. So that's awesome.

My favorite picture of the river!

I had a fairly boring and uneventful weekend, so I don't have too much to report. I think I need to get myself out of Perigueux and do something exciting soon! I'm planning on going to see Karen in Villefranche soon! :-)

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