Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm too exhausted to come up with titles

I thought maybe I'd start this post with evidence of the friends I've been talking about. Last night Marina, Daniela, and I went out to get a drink with Azahara, another assistant from Spain. We've hung out with her several times and get along well. I will hopefully see some other people this weekend as well.

Marina is on the left, Azahara is in the green scarf, and Daniela is in the beret. We went in search of a bar that had been recommended to us but it wasn't open so we ended up at a different one. And then we were too tired to go anywhere after this one.

Marina and me with an oh-so-cute sign behind us for a band called the "Hard-Ons." I explained what that meant to the other girls - which led to a conversation about French slang. Marina knows a lot because she dated a French guy for a long time, so she did most the enlightening.

Every day seems really long here because we don't have much to do yet. The weekend in particular looks long. I found out about getting wifi but can't buy it until I get my French bank card in the mail, and that won't happen until next week. So frustrating, because I could've used wifi all weekend. I'll just have to keep coming back to this bar.

And no word on the apartment still. If we don't get a call on Monday we'll maybe go back to the agency or we'll just start looking elsewhere. I would really prefer that we don't have to do that, of course. This place we found was really great, and I don't want to waste more time looking for another one. I just want to get out of the school and start getting settled in a real apartment.

I meant to take pictures of the school today because it's a gorgeous day and I want to show everyone what it looks like. I also want to take pictures when there aren't 1500 students running around and looking at me funny. I am going to try to take some this afternoon/evening; I definitely need to do so before the weekend because some of the doors get locked, so I won't be able to get to the nice courtyard and some of the other buildings.

Speaking of the school, I guess I haven't said much about it. The teachers continue to be nice and today I worked on a schedule for next week so I'm working mainly with high school teachers - and with teachers who actually expressed interest in having an assistant in the classroom. I'm still allowed to do at least another week, if not two, of observation, so I don't have to worry too much yet about preparing lessons. I'm planning on meeting up next week with a girl who was an assistant at the school in the past, so she should be able to give me some tips.

In terms of the students themselves...I don't know what I'd say. Some of them are very good at English and are very interested in what I have to say (I've just introduced myself and talked a little with the classes about America). Others, honestly, can barely speak. In French high schools you choose topics to study, so the students who are studying marketing/accounting are required to take English - but aren't that interested in it, so they don't care. Those are the ones who aren't very good at it and aren't that interested in me. The other kids, those who are studying topics like literature, are much better. I'll be working with both types of kids, so we'll see how the year goes. I'm glad I have a little more time. And once I'm done observing, it will be almost time for the first vacation, so if the first week of teaching is bad - it's only a week! And then I have two weeks off!

Oh, and here's a picture of the giant meringue I was talking about:

I definitely want to buy another one. You can also kind of see my room in this picture. I supposed I could take a few pictures of that, too. I haven't since I don't like it. Maybe once I'm moving out!

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