I'm one week into this experience. I can't say that it's been a good week, but I've survived. As of today, I have most of the paperwork done that needs to be done. Bank account: check. Health care: check. And I'm in the process of (hopefully) getting approved for an apartment. Marina and I found one right across from the cathedral (fabulous location, fabulous view) with two great big rooms and a washer (!!) so we turned in all our paperwork and we're waiting for the rental agency to make sure the owner of the apartment approves of us. I don't think this should take more than an hour to do...but I'm in France, so it takes several days.
The rental agency also told us to go to the Caisse d'Allocations Familiales, or the agency that subsidizes rent for young workers who don't make much money (me) or single mothers with multiple children (not me) or other people in situations like that (also not me). We found out that we're both eligible to receive about 140 euro per month for rent. Which would take our monthly rent down to about 86 euro each. Which is absurd. But also awesome. We took this information back to the rental agency today to further prove to the apartment owner that we will definitely be able to pay our rent.
So, there shouldn't be a problem with getting approved - it's just a waiting game right now. But such is life in France.
Random picture: here's a band playing in the street. And a crazy homeless guy trying to join them on his harmonica while he took breaks from drinking his giant bottle of wine.
On Wednesday we had our orientation day. I'm not sure it was all that helpful. They gave us lots of information about health care and other paperwork stuff, which was good, but then we talked about how to prepare for classes. And I'm not so sure that helped me. They gave us suggestions of lesson plans but also warned us that we need to have a lot planned otherwise the students won't pay attention. So I ended up feeling more freaked out than helped.
Which brings me to something else: apparently I'll be doing a lot more individual teaching than I realized. I don't know if I misunderstood the information on the application or if my school is just more focused on individual teaching than others - but it looks like once I have a set schedule I'll be responsible for taking half of a class at a time and teaching cultural stuff. I don't know if I feel so prepared for that! Luckily I have other assistants to talk to and get help from!
Speaking French all day is still pretty hard. I definitely get by, I just don't speak all that naturally/quickly. But, again, it's only been a week. I have to keep reminding myself of that.
Also, whenever I'm feeling down, I remind myself that we have a break at the end of October - which lasts for two weeks. It's France. Go figure.
Random picture number two: The inside of the really big cathedral. It's pretty plain, but it's monstrous.
This evening we're going out for a drink with some other assistants. Should be good to take a break. I have no idea what I'm going to do all weekend (besides hopefully move into an apartment - but we'll see). I may brainstorm some ideas for classes and maybe hit a few of the museums in town. There's a big huge one about the Romans which is supposed to be great. I also found a big old tower today that I didn't know existed (I think it's another Roman ruin cause it's right by the Roman ruin museum), so I'd like to go back to that and figure out what it is. I'm also going to buy another meringue from our favorite boulangerie. It was enormous, and I munched on it for two or three days.
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